Business Support Goods/Services
“Our vision is for Calderdale to be an attractive place where people are prosperous, healthy, and safe, supported by excellent services and a place where we value everyone being different and through our actions demonstrate that everyone matters”
We will achieve this by ensuring that Calderdales economy is the foundation for driving improvements in the quality of life in the District. Our focus is on ensuring that we can manage the impact of changes in the global and regional economy and that this is not achieved at the expense of the environment – the very thing that makes Calderdale attractive as a place to live and work. Underpinning this is our appreciation that children and young people are our future and the importance of this vision for their future.
Central to our ambition for a prosperous economy is the need to be economically diverse and recognise and support the different needs of local communities. We are also clear that we must realise the potential of our connections within the sub region and with the City Regions of Leeds and Manchester.
We wholeheartedly support the aim of Calderdale & Kirklees Manufacturing Alliance in rejuvenating a major part of our local wealth-creating capacity.